Open Access Policy

The values of Open Access publishing are deeply ingrained in DIRA, the Darpan International Research Analysis . Our mission is to remove financial obstacles so that anybody, wherever in the world can have access to cutting-edge research in areas such as Multidisciplinary fields.

1. Readability:
As soon as an article appears in the Journal, it is quickly and freely available online to everybody with an internet connection. No registration is necessary, and there is no subscription cost to restrict access.

2. Licensing: Most articles are published under a Creative Commons licence (CC BY NC), which mandates that anyone using the article must attribute it to the original author. For non-commercial use only, it permits re-users to distribute, remix, modify, and construct upon the content in any format or medium.

3. Preservation and Archiving:
The Journal takes great care to guarantee that its material will remain accessible and preserved for the long term by utilising a number of digital archives and repositories, such as LOCKSS and CLOCKSS.

4. No Subscription or Paywalls : In keeping with our Open Access philosophy, none of our published content is subject to subscription fees or paywalls. You can access any and all content kinds, including research articles, reviews, editorials, and more, at no cost.

5. Peer Review and Quality:
In maintaining Open Access, we have not lowered the standards of our publication process. Maintaining high academic and scientific standards is ensured through a comprehensive peer-review procedure that all submissions go through.

6. Expenses:
To defray the expenses of publishing, the journal may levy an Article Processing Charge (APC). This price is usually covered by the author's financial organisation or institution, therefore it won't stop the publishing. To learn more about our APC Policy, continue reading.

With the elimination of financial and legal barriers to information dissemination and sharing, this Open Access policy seeks to create a more welcoming and cooperative scientific community.