The importance of ethical leadership in building trust and long-term sustainability in organizations


  • Sharma T


Ethical Leadership, Trust


This paper explores the pivotal role of ethical leadership in establishing trust and ensuring the long-term sustainability of organizations. Ethical leadership is the foundation upon which a culture of integrity, honesty, and transparency is built. It sets the tone for ethical decision-making at all levels of an organization, shaping the behavior of employees and influencing relationships with stakeholders. This paper provides a comprehensive framework that highlights the significance of ethical leadership, including its impact on trust-building, sustainability, and the development of an ethical decision-making framework. It also emphasizes the importance of accountability in upholding ethical standards. By examining real-world examples and case studies, this paper demonstrates how ethical leadership contributes to the success and reputation of organizations. It concludes with actionable recommendations for organizations to promote and sustain ethical leadership practices, thus contributing to a more ethical and responsible business environment in society. Ethical leadership is not merely a moral imperative but a strategic necessity for organizations striving for long-term viability and positive societal impact.


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How to Cite

Sharma, T. (2018). The importance of ethical leadership in building trust and long-term sustainability in organizations. Darpan International Research Analysis, 6(1), 1–7. Retrieved from