Cybersecurity in Banks and Engineering Solutions: Protecting Critical Systems and Financial Infrastructure


  • Sharma N


cyber, security


The engineering and banking industries have benefited greatly from the digital transition in terms of productivity and creativity. It has, nevertheless, also increased the cybersecurity threats associated with these industries. This study examines the vital role that cybersecurity plays in banking and engineering solutions, with a focus on protecting sensitive financial data and vital infrastructure. The study highlights the cybersecurity measures used by each sector and dives into the unique difficulties they encounter, such as IoT vulnerabilities in engineering solutions and data breaches. Engineering solutions apply network segmentation, patch management, and access control, while banks rely on multi-factor authentication, encryption, and intrusion detection systems. Through a comparative analysis of these methods, the article identifies similarities and differences and illuminates possible areas of mutual learning for both industries. To remain ahead of emerging dangers, banks, engineering businesses, government organisations, and cybersecurity specialists must collaborate and share information. Future trends and potential risks are also covered in the report, along with suggestions for improving cybersecurity in both fields to guarantee the security and dependability of crucial engineering projects and financial infrastructure going forward.


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How to Cite

Sharma, N. (2020). Cybersecurity in Banks and Engineering Solutions: Protecting Critical Systems and Financial Infrastructure. Darpan International Research Analysis, 8(1), 7–11. Retrieved from