Renewable Energy Integration into the Power Grid


  • Sharma Y


Renewable Energy, Power Grid


If we want a reliable and sustainable energy system, we must find ways to incorporate renewable energy sources into the grid. A well-structured framework is required for comprehending and successfully addressing the many issues that this transformation entails. In this research, we provide a holistic structure for REIPG that encompasses the major difficulties and novel approaches. The framework takes into account problems including variability and intermittency, grid stability, the need for more capacity, energy storage options, regulatory considerations, grid resilience in the face of severe events, public awareness, and ongoing R&D. By presenting a systematic approach, this framework offers a path for policymakers, academics, and industry stakeholders to traverse the complexity of incorporating alternative energy sources into the grid, eventually encouraging a more sustainable and dependable energy future.


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How to Cite

Sharma, Y. (2022). Renewable Energy Integration into the Power Grid. Darpan International Research Analysis, 10(1), 6–10. Retrieved from