Smart Grid Technologies for Enhanced Energy Distribution


  • Aadya Sharma



Smart Grid Technologies, Enhanced Energy Distribution


The need for more stable, sustainable, and effective energy systems has led to a significant change in the global energy scene in recent years. This development is contingent upon the concept of the "smart grid," an innovative and sophisticated infrastructure designed to enhance energy distribution and consumption. Modern information and communication technologies (ICT) are combined with conventional power systems to create smart grid technologies, which create a dynamic and interactive grid. This integration makes it feasible to monitor, control, and optimize energy production and consumption in real-time, resulting in a more resilient and efficient energy distribution network.


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DOI: 10.36676/dira.v12.i3.54
Published: 2024-07-12

How to Cite

Aadya Sharma. (2024). Smart Grid Technologies for Enhanced Energy Distribution. Darpan International Research Analysis, 12(3), 24–37.



