Agrivoltaics: The Synergy between Solar Panels and Agricultural Production


  • Saaransh Jain



solar energy, Solar Panels, Agrivoltaics


Combining solar energy generation with agricultural produce is a novel and sustainable method known as agrivoltaics. This approach attempts to maximize the utilization of land resources, improve energy efficiency, and increase agricultural production by putting solar panels on farms. An important advancement in the quest for sustainability, agrivoltaics was born out of the necessity to meet the rising need for renewable energy sources while preserving food production.

Agrivoltaics' dual-use approach is the foundation of the technology. Large areas of land that could be utilized for agriculture are frequently taken up by traditional solar farms. Agrivoltaics enables the same area to serve two uses at once by combining solar panel installation with agricultural growing. Above the crops are solar panels positioned to shade the area and produce a microclimate that is favorable to some plants. The act of shading crops might potentially increase agricultural production by preventing water evaporation and shielding them from harsh weather. Additionally, by allowing farming operations to continue beneath the raised solar panels, the land is kept productive.


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DOI: 10.36676/dira.v12.i3.61
Published: 2024-07-26

How to Cite

Saaransh Jain. (2024). Agrivoltaics: The Synergy between Solar Panels and Agricultural Production. Darpan International Research Analysis, 12(3), 137–148.