Data visualization pitfalls: a systematic review


  • Agam Sinha



Data visualization, Information Visualization, Scientific Visualization, big data


Data visualization visual or pictorial representations of facts that are easy to comprehend. It aids in the explanation of facts and the selection of appropriate actions. It may be used in any sector that needs new methods to convey enormous amounts of data. Modern visualisation has been shaped by the introduction of computer graphics. Data visualisation is the subject of this study, which provides a quick overview.

Charts, plots, infographics, and even animations may be used to convey data in a visually appealing way. Data-driven insights may be communicated in a clear and concise manner using these graphic representations of information.

There are many uses for data visualisation, and it's vital to remember that it's not only for data teams. Data analysts and data scientists, on the other hand, utilise it to find and explain patterns and trends in the organization's structure and hierarchy.


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DOI: 10.36676/dira.v12.i3.62
Published: 2024-07-26

How to Cite

Agam Sinha. (2024). Data visualization pitfalls: a systematic review. Darpan International Research Analysis, 12(3), 149–159.



