Survey of Cloud Computing Security and Privacy Issues


  • Charu Jain



Cloud Computing, Security, Privacy, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Cloud Infrastructure, Insider Threats


The world of computing and data management has completely changed as a result of cloud computing, which offers both consumers and enterprises scalable resources, on-demand services, and considerable cost savings. The demand for more adaptable and effective computer resources has prompted this paradigm change, and cloud computing provides it by enabling users to access and utilize computing resources over the internet. But using cloud computing also raises a number of security and privacy issues that must be properly handled. In order to assess the present status of cloud computing security and privacy problems, this article will examine key terms, the development of the technology, its significance, current research gaps, and the urgent need for more in-depth analysis.


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DOI: 10.36676/dira.v12.i3.63
Published: 2024-07-30

How to Cite

Charu Jain. (2024). Survey of Cloud Computing Security and Privacy Issues. Darpan International Research Analysis, 12(3), 160–171.