Enhancing Wireless Communication with Li-Fi Technology: Development and Implementation for High-Speed, Visible Light Communication Systems
Wireless Communication, Li-Fi, High-Speed, Visible Light Communication SystemsAbstract
The advancement of communication technology has been characterized by constant innovation aimed at boosting speed, effectiveness, and reach. Light Fidelity, or Li-Fi, is one of the most exciting developments in this industry. Li-Fi is a revolutionary wireless communication system that transmits data using visible light rather than conventional radio frequency (RF) transmissions. This technology, which offers the possibility of quicker, more secure, and very efficient data transfer, is set to completely transform the way we interact.
A subclass of optical wireless communication (OWC) systems called Li-Fi uses visible light as a means of transmitting data. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs), which are invisible to the human eye, flicker at incredibly fast rates to transmit data. The quick on-and-off flashing of these LEDs essentially encodes data in binary form, which a photodetector-equipped receiver may then decipher. Li-Fi's main benefit is its capacity to carry data at speeds significantly faster than those of traditional Wi-Fi networks—in lab settings, it may occasionally reach speeds of up to 100 Gbps.
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• Website: https://versatek.com/li-fi-internet-at-the-speed-of-light/
• Website: https://www.rfwireless-world.com/Terminology/ Advantages-and-Disadvantages-of-LiFi.html
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